Tips from our sports physiotherapist to get fit into the new sports season

With the new sports season approaching, it is important to prepare well. Follow these tips to start the season fit and injury-free.
Blog published on May 30, 2023

New season, new opportunities

Before you know it, the new sports season is just around the corner and that means it's time to prepare for your favorite sports activities. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or just starting to exercise, it is important to enter the season fit and injury-free.

In this blog we share some valuable tips from our sports physiotherapist that can help you to be optimally prepared for the new sports season.

Please note: If you experience discomfort or pain during exercise, it is advisable to make an appointment with us in a timely manner sports physiotherapist to make.

Start with a health check

Before you start an intensive sports season, it is wise to have a health check done by a sports physiotherapist. This professional can help you identify any physical limitations or weaknesses that you may be able to strengthen to prevent injuries. A health check can also give you insight into your general health and fitness level, so that you can get started.

Build up your fitness gradually

If you have not been active for a long time or if you want to take up a new sport, it is important to build up your fitness gradually. Start with lighter exercises and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your training sessions. A sports physiotherapist can help you design a training program that suits your level and goals, while helping to prevent injuries.

Work on your stability and flexibility

Improving your stability and flexibility is essential for preventing injuries and improving your sports performance. A sports physiotherapist can help you develop specific exercises to increase your stability and flexibility. These exercises can focus on strengthening your core muscles, improving your balance and increasing your range of motion.

Pay attention to your diet and hydration

A healthy diet and adequate hydration are crucial for athletes. Make sure you eat a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients and provides energy for your training and competitions. A sports physiotherapist can also advise you on foods that can help you recover after exercise and injuries.

Rest and recovery

It is very important to schedule adequate rest and recovery time into your exercise routine. Overload can lead to injuries and negatively affect your sports performance. Listen carefully to your body and give it time to recover after intensive exercise. Plan rest days into your training schedule and make sure you get enough sleep to give your body a chance to recover. A sports physiotherapist can help you optimize your recovery routine and can advise on techniques such as stretching, massage and other recovery methods to relax the muscles and reduce any tension.


With the new sports season approaching, it is important to prepare well. Follow these tips to start the season fit and injury-free. Don't forget to get a health check, build up your fitness gradually, work on your stability and flexibility, pay attention to your nutrition and hydration, and schedule enough rest and recovery time. A sports physiotherapist can be a valuable partner in this process and can guide you to improve your sports performance and prevent injuries. So make an appointment and give yourself the best chance to perform optimally in the new sports season.

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