Everything you need to know about tennis elbow

Never played tennis before and still have tennis elbow, that is very possible. Tennis elbow is an injury to the elbow, which occurs in approximately 2 percent of the population. It is also called tennis elbow or in Latin it is lateral epicondylitis. If you are between 35 and 50, you are even more likely to develop tennis elbow.
Blog published on February 2, 2023

The cause of tennis elbow

The cause of the tennis elbow can be very different. At first you would think that the cause lies in long-term or short-term intense overload. Anyone can develop tennis elbow, but people who do heavy or repetitive work are a particular risk factor. But some people get tennis elbow even though there is no direct overload. The cause of tennis elbow then lies in the change in load and load capacity. One then “spontaneously” develops tennis elbow, without an immediately identifiable cause.

A tennis elbow can be a... local complaint meaning that only the outside of the elbow is involved.

The tennis elbow can also be a segmental complaint This means that several joints and muscles are involved in tennis elbow. You do not have to experience this yourself, but it is possible that the neck and shoulder, for example, are involved in tennis elbow.

Our specialized physiotherapists can make the correct diagnosis and tailor the right treatment accordingly.

The symptoms of tennis elbow

The elbow pain is mainly on the outside of the elbow and has a nagging character. Lifting a cup, using the top grip, can be very difficult or even painful.
Symptoms of tennis elbow may include:

  • Nagging pain on the outside of the elbow
  • Difficulty picking up things
  • Pain when working with a computer mouse
  • Stiff feeling in the elbow in the morning

Treatment of tennis elbow

In addition to an intake, treatment will also take place during the first appointment. During the intake, a history and a physical examination are performed to make the correct diagnosis. If necessary, an ultrasound examination will also be done. After this extensive examination, a treatment plan will be drawn up together with you.

Treatment methods for tennis elbow

Tips for early complaints of tennis elbow for tennis players

  • Make sure you have the right racket, good quality stringing and the right grip for your racket.
  • Play with new tennis balls as much as possible.
  • Pay attention to the technique of the backhand.
  • Perform regular stretching and strengthening exercises.
  • Easytaping or a brace can help to reduce the strain on the arm

Exercises for a novice tennis elbow

  • Extend your arm straight forward, with the back of your hand upwards and fingers pointing downwards.
  • With the other hand, grasp the back of the hand and bend the wrist until you feel tension/stretch at the top of the forearm.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat 2 to 3 times.
  • Do this at least 3 times a day.

Strength exercises for tennis elbow

  • Squeeze a soft ball, such as a foam ball, 10 to 20 times.
  • Repeat this exercise 2 to 3 times.
  • Do this 3 times a day
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