Turn turn vertigo, there is something you can do about it!

Do you see everything turning or moving? Then you may suffer from vertigo. Fortunately, something can often be done about this thanks to physiotherapy.
Blog published on April 3, 2023

What is vertigo?

With vertigo you see everything turning or moving. This can even be accompanied by nausea and anxiety. It often helps to sit or lie down until the dizziness goes away. If you experience this more often or if you do not trust it, it is advisable to contact your doctor. The GP can then refer you to a physiotherapist in your area. You can even do this at Physiotherapy Iburg in Rotterdam without referral contact us for an appointment. Ask about the possibilities.

Characteristics of vertigo

With vertigo you have the feeling that the world is spinning around you.

  • Vertigo occurs acutely and is often short-lived (usually a maximum of 1 minute).
  • Complaints arise when your head quickly changes position
  • You feel nauseous and sometimes vomit
  • You feel insecure

What causes vertigo?

The medical name for vertigo is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, also known as BPPV. Positional vertigo is an intense but short-lived rotational dizziness when your head changes position quickly. This can be done, for example, by bending forward, looking back or turning in bed. The exact cause of vertigo is not known, but the problem lies in the vestibular system. Because this organ does not function properly, you experience vertigo, which you experience as unpleasant. This vertigo is usually accompanied by a typical movement of the eyes. This form of dizziness can be remedied with special physiotherapy.

Best treatment for vertigo

At Physiotherapy Iburg we dare to say that we have the best treatments for dizziness to have. We stand for quality and have BIG-registered physiotherapists.

You can go from Monday to Thursday (7:30 AM to 9:00 PM) and Friday (7:30 AM to 6:00 PM). We have an easily accessible physiotherapy facility Rotterdam, Hillegersberg-Terbregge, and Kralingen.

Reimbursement of physiotherapy for vertigo

Physiotherapy Iburg has an agreement with all health insurers, except Zorg en Zekerheid contract. You will receive immediate help even without a referral from your GP and/or specialist.

Team Fysiotherapie Iburg

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