Dry Needling treatments quackery?

Dry Needling must be quackery. However? Certainly not! Dry Needling is an effective way to reduce pain and muscle tension complaints.
Blog published on July 4, 2022

Where does the idea that Dry Needling is quackery come from?

Dry Needling is often confused with acupuncture, where an acupuncturist places needles in a certain way to influence the flow of energy. Because of this, acupuncture can be considered quackery. Dry Needling is different. Bee Dry Needling involves inserting a thin needle through the skin and muscle directly into a 'trigger point' to relax the muscles. This reduces muscle pain and makes movement easier.

Dry Needling as an ideal treatment for muscle tension complaints

Muscle tension complaints can have an unpleasant effect on daily life. Dry Needling is used to reduce these complaints. With Dry Needling, a thin needle is inserted through the skin and muscle directly into a 'trigger point'. This is a fast and very effective way to relax muscles. The muscles become looser and it becomes possible to work on mobility, strength and coordination for optimal recovery.

The Side Effects of Dry Needling

What are the side effects of Dry Needling? Because a thin needle is inserted directly into a trigger point, mild muscle pain may be experienced. In addition, a bruise may occur. In very few cases there is disruption of the vegetative system. In that case, a person may experience nausea or dizziness.

How painful is Dry Needling?

Dry Needling is basically not painful. However, it can cause a brief pain sensation as soon as the needle hits a trigger point. Some clients describe this as a small electric shock and others describe it as a kind of cramping or numb feeling.

How often is Dry Needling necessary to notice the effect?

How many Dry Needling treatments are needed depends on the length of time the complaints have been present. For example, in the case of complaints that have not been present for very long, the effect of Dry Needling can sometimes be noticed immediately after the first treatment. The complaints are reduced and the pain area is less sensitive. Multiple treatments are often required for a long-lasting effect. On average, 4-5 treatments are needed to notice the long-term effect. Complaints that have been present for some time often require more treatment than complaints that have just arisen. 

For which complaints is Dry Needling effective?

Dry Needling treatments work very well in relieving many different pain conditions. Some examples are:

Do you have complaints that are not listed here, but are you curious about what Dry Needling can do for you? Always check with you to be sure physiotherapist.

Dry Needling not always allowed

Dry Needling may not be applied to everyone. For example, if someone is known to have acute muscle disorders, Dry Needling is not permitted. In addition, there are circumstances that limit the Dry Needling possibilities, such as the use of blood thinners. That is why your therapist will always question you and provide you with further information before the Dry Needling treatment.

Is Dry Needling reimbursed?

Physiotherapy Iburg has an agreement with all health insurers. Physiotherapy becomes compensate from the supplementary insurance. The number of treatments to be reimbursed by the insurance depends on your policy conditions. The insured Dry Needling treatments are declared directly to your health insurer. You will be charged for treatments that are not eligible for reimbursement.

Make an appointment for Dry Needling in Rotterdam

Do you have any questions after reading this information or would you like to get rid of your complaints? Please contact us or read here further. 

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