Hip pain: causes, symptoms and treatment

If you suffer from pain in your hip, it can significantly disrupt your daily activities. Pain in the hip can have various causes, ranging from overuse to hip osteoarthritis. In this article we take a closer look at the symptoms, causes and treatments of hip pain.
Blog published on June 27, 2023

Symptoms of hip pain

Hip pain can manifest itself in different ways. It can be a constant pain, a nagging pain that gets worse with certain movements, or a stabbing pain that radiates to other parts of the body. In addition to pain, you may also suffer from stiffness in the hip, have difficulty walking or sitting, or experience reduced freedom of movement.

Causes of hip complaints

There are several causes of this hip pain. A common cause is hip osteoarthritis, a condition in which the cartilage in the hip joint is worn out. Other possible causes are inflammation of the hip joint, difference in leg length, a fall or collision, overload or strain of the muscles around the hip joint. Finally, problems with the spine can also cause pain in the hip.

Pain in hip and lower back

Pain in the hip can also be accompanied by pain in the lower back. This may be the result of a problem in the spine, such as a hernia or stenosis, that causes radiation to the hip. In many cases, however, pain in the hip and lower back is caused by incorrect posture or overload of the lower back muscles.

Pain in hip and leg at night

Many people experience hip pain that gets worse at night. This can be caused by lying in the same position for a longer period of time at night, which puts more pressure on the hip. Lying on the wrong mattress or pillow can also cause hip pain. In some cases, hip pain that gets worse at night can be a sign of hip osteoarthritis or another hip condition.

Hip complaints appearance

Hip complaints can sometimes radiate to other parts of the body, such as the groin, buttocks or upper leg. This may be the result of a problem in the hip joint itself, or of a problem in the spine that causes radiation to the hip.

Treatment of hip pain

The treatment for hip pain depends on the cause of the pain. In some cases, rest and avoiding activities that put strain on the hip may be sufficient. Medication can also be prescribed to relieve the pain. Physiotherapy Iburg can help you strengthen the muscles around the hip and improve flexibility. This can reduce pressure on the hip and relieve pain.

Hip complaints exercises

We can also recommend exercises you can do at home to strengthen and stabilize the hip. These exercises depend on the cause of your hip complaints. Our physiotherapist therefore first determines the cause of your hip pain and then determines the right recovery path for you.

Make an appointment in Rotterdam

Do you suffer from hip complaints and do you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible? Then make one today appointment at Iburg Physiotherapy in Rotterdam. Take immediately Contact and discover what we can do for you!

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