Prevent back problems

Do you want to prevent back problems and maintain a healthy working posture? Then you've come to the right place! In our latest blog at Physiotherapy Iburg Rotterdam we share valuable insights about the importance of good posture and ergonomics. We delve deeper into how an ergonomically designed workplace can contribute to preventing back problems and promoting general well-being.
Blog published on April 26, 2024

What is ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the science of adapting the workplace to the user, with the aim of increasing comfort and preventing injuries. An ergonomically designed workplace contributes to supporting correct posture and minimizes stress on the body.

The impact of posture on back problems

Poor posture can lead to overload of the back muscles and the spine, resulting in pain and discomfort, and in the long term even chronic back problems. Correct posture keeps the spine in a neutral position and distributes pressure evenly across the back, neck and shoulders.

Tips for better posture and ergonomics:

At Physiotherapy Iburg Rotterdam we understand better than anyone else the importance of a healthy back and good posture. Our experienced physiotherapists are ready to advise and support you in improving your posture and optimizing your workplace, so that you can maintain a healthy back. Please feel free Contact contact us for more information or to make an appointment.

We hope that these extensive tips will help you reduce or prevent back problems. Stay tuned to our blog for more insights and advice from our experts!

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